Monday, 29 November 2010

Violence in Media

While I'm aware that physical violence in movies and games can effect people, I also think it's a little week minded if a fictional story can have such an effect, to make you go out and hurt someone. If it does effect you in such a way, which is very rare, I think that there is already something very wrong with you.
People who are against fictional violence are coming off a little hypacritical if they're okay with real violence being in papers and on the news, even though much of that is fictional nonsense loosely based of facts, especialy if it's international.
Which ever way you look at it, films and games are a form of art, and I don't think anyone has the right to take away that form of self-expression. Violence is real, it always has been and is deeply inbeded in our code. Hiding away from it is more wrong then expressing it, because it is something I feel that needs to be explored, and doing so through fiction is a lot better then doing it for real. I think that humans as a whole are much more capable then we give them credit for.